Sunday, December 26, 2010

what's street art photography IV

previously, the "street art" photos shown on this blog contained graphics created by street ("graffiti") artists...and indicated the difference between street art and street art photography. above are 4 more examples of street art photography of a somewhat different sort. BTW the top two color pix were taken in amsterdam, the bottom two in nyc, i.e.,christopher st. and "chinatown". so let's see...street in the streets...street art photography...taking pictures of what is already on the streets, everywhere and any where. so, that's the point, as has often been said, art is everywhere around us, ready to be seen, ready to be photographed, and the better the photographer, the more he is able to see and frame a scene in the most interesting and communicative way. 

ok. so "graffiti observer" is about graffiti, but also about other street art, and about street photography, and life on streets...and life. you and l are the graffiti observers, and what we have seen, and have to tell about, might well be included here; what ever.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

what's street art photography III

(just getting used to how to design this blog, so unused to the beginning at the bottom and how to place the graphics on my posts.) BTW the last graphic shown was taken several years ago in Miami and won 1st place in the 2008 Boca Raton Museum of Art Art Guild open art competition; the previous 4 graphics were created and photographed in Miami in the past month; and, as you can see, the header of the very 1st blog post derives from the last graphic shown. in my next blog post, l'll show a very different type of street art photography.

what's street art photography II

what's street art photography

the 4 images above are a type of "street art" often called graffiti, essentially graphics created on exterior walls, often without, sometimes with, the permission of the owner of the walls. if, on the basis of my first post, you went to my main street art website - - you'd see hundreds more of this type of street art. and what you are looking at is street art photography; in most of the images, the street graphics are in the midst of a street scene, including streets, signs, doorways, street litter, and the like, all framed by the photographer's eye. and the way a photographer frames the whole scene, or even a part of a street graphic, can make the photo a work of art. (the graphic used to introduce my first blog post is a very small section of an enormous wall graphic and has a valued life of it's own. see the graphic it derives from below.)

what's street art

Sunday, December 19, 2010

the resurrection of graffiti observer

from 1999 to 2005 a monthly e-zine called "graffiti observer" ran on a website developed to feature the street art photography of bob edelson - . one month's article  - "miami art massacre" about a district in miami that had fabulous graf that got whitewashed....went viral, and it made the home of the "observer" one of the most popular graf sites on the web. that was almost 10 years ago. yet,  just the other day, l saw the article on with the statistic that over 35,000 had viewed the article on their website. that, together with a recent burst of articles about graffiti, graffiti artists, and many new exhibitions of  graffiti, l decided it was a good time to create a blog pertaining to this and other forms of  art.btw, the unedited version of "miami art massacre" still exists in the archives of the site that originated it. NOW should l say l saw it coming - the growing popularity of street art.YES. my book "new american street art" was published 1999, when many said it was a passe art form, but the book took off, around the world, and many more graf books followed. in my travels through europe in recent years, l saw the streets filled with street art. there is no doubt it is at its popularity height, throughout the world. in my next blog l will discuss a specific aspect...street art photography.